Notes: black hemlock needles, larch cones, sandarac resin, momi, sandalwood, Vietnamese oud.
Sap-saturated cones and freshly broken needles litter the floor of Brokilän, the wooded home of elves and elder races. The prickliest conifer to date.
July 2023 Edit: higher oud percentage, less sandarac.
Parfum extrait+ compounded at 32%.
Notes: black hemlock needles, larch cones, sandarac resin, momi, sandalwood, Vietnamese oud.
Sap-saturated cones and freshly broken needles litter the floor of Brokilän, the wooded home of elves and elder races. The prickliest conifer to date.
July 2023 Edit: higher oud percentage, less sandarac.
Parfum extrait+ compounded at 32%.
Notes: black hemlock needles, larch cones, sandarac resin, momi, sandalwood, Vietnamese oud.
Sap-saturated cones and freshly broken needles litter the floor of Brokilän, the wooded home of elves and elder races. The prickliest conifer to date.
July 2023 Edit: higher oud percentage, less sandarac.
Parfum extrait+ compounded at 32%.